
Hi there, my name is Miguel.
Web Developer & Designer

I am a freelance full stack web developer based in Barcelona, Spain.

I work with different businesses and companies and around the world.

I build Websites, I do Front-end, Back-end development and UI design.

Javascript, HTML, CSS & PHP are the main languages I use.

Vue.js, React, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, Laravel, WordPress, Webpack, Nuxt, SASS, Stylus and modern Javascript are also part of my development stack.

I enjoy working with artists, teachers, NGO’s and other freelancers with different backgrounds and disciplines.

See my Resume See latest projects

My work involves deep knowledge in Javascript, HTML, CSS and PHP. I have experience with a wide variety of frameworks which can help improve workflow stacks. This includes React, Vue.JS, Node, Laravel, Webpack, Babel, SCSS, Express among others.

Let's chat


@myremotedesktop is an Instagram project
where I showcase my latest workspaces. Follow me!