My favourite way to install wordpress is with a bash script and WP-CLI. After creating my little script I can enjoy a cup of tea, sea the sun, the rain or just wait until everything happen.
Here is the magic:
#!/bin/bash # This bash script works JUST with WP-CLI # You can get it from here: # # # If you don't know what to do with this file: # # 1) Install wp-cli on your workspace # 2) Create a file call # 3) Copy the whole content of this file on your file # 4) Save your file and add this: chmod +x your file. Otherwise you won't be able to run the script # 5) run your file with ./ # 6) While install have a nice cup of hot water or cold. # Your database credentials DBNAME=[dbname] DBUSER=[dbuser] DBPASS=[dbpass] DBHOST=[dbhost] # Your next wordpress site credentials WPUSER=[wpuser] WPPASS=[wppass] WPEMAIL=[wpemail] WPURL=[wpurl] WPTITLE=[wptitle] # 1) Download WordPress echo 'Downloading WordPress' wp core download # 2) Generate wp-config.php / Setting DB echo 'Creating wp-config.php' wp config create --dbname=$DBNAME --dbuser=$DBUSER --dbpass=$DBPASS --dbhost=$DBHOST echo 'Creating database...' # 3) Creating database wp db create # 4) All good echo 'Dream as if you will live forever. Live as if you will die today.'